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Notes of life processes class 10th:notes of class 10th biology chapter 1 life processes

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Notes of class 10th biology chapter 1 life processes

All the plants and animal including human beings are an alive or living thing.

What criteria do we use to decide whether something is alive:-

→A living thing can be moved by itself.

→living things need air, food and water.

→a living thing can grow.

→a living thing can respond to changes around them.

→living thing respire.

→living thing excrete. a 

→a living thing can reproduce.

→The basic function performed by the living organism to maintain their life on this earth is called life processes. Such as nutrition and respiration, transportation and excretion, control and coordination etc. 

→The process of taking food and utilising it is called nutrition. 

Mode of nutrition

There are mainly two modes of nutrition:-

Autotrophic and heterotrophic

→Autotrophic nutrition is a mode of nutrition in which an organism makes it's from simple inorganic materials like carbon dioxide, sunlight and water. 

→heterotrophic nutrition is a mode of nutrition in which an organism can't make its food from simple inorganic material like carbon dioxide and water, and depends on another organism for its food. 

Types of heterotrophic nutrition

Saprotrophic nutrition:- saprophytes are the organism which obtains their food from dead and decaying plant body. Ex- mould. 

Parasitic nutrition:- parasitic nutrition is that nutrition in which an organism derives its food from the body of another living organism called a host without killing it. Ex-roundworm

Holozoic Nutrition:-   nutrition in which an organism takes the complex organic food material into its body by the process of ingestion, the ingested food is digested and then absorbed into the body cell of the organism. 

Nutrition in plants

The process by which green plant make their food from carbon dioxide and water by using sunlight energy in the presence of chlorophyll is called photosynthesis. 

Extra glucose is changed into another food called starch this is starch is stored in the leaf of the plant. 

Carbon dioxide+ water+ sunlight→(chlorophyll) glucose + oxygen

The green plant converts sunlight into chemical energy by making carbohydrates. 

Photosynthesises place in the following three steps:-

→Absorption of Sunlight energy by chlorophyll.  →conversion of light energy into chemical energy and splitting of water into hydrogen and oxygen by light. 

→reduction of carbon dioxide by hydrogen to form carbohydrate like glucose by utilising chemical energy. 

The condition necessary for photosynthesis

Sunlight, chlorophyll, carbon dioxide, and water.

The different process of nutrition in animals:-

Ingestion:- the process of taking food into the body is called ingestion. 

digestion:- the process in which the food containing large, insoluble molecules is broken down into small, water-soluble molecules is called digestion. 

absorption:- the process in which the digested food passes through the interest angle wall into the bloodstream is called absorption.

assimilation:- the process in which the food is taken in boiler body cells and used for energy and growth is called assimilation. 

Egestion:- the removal of undigested food is called egestion. 

Nutrition in amoeba 

Nutrition in multicellular organisms

→Human beings have a special organ for the ingestion of food it is called the mouth. The food is put into the mouth with the help of hands and hence it is injected into the mouth. 

→ the digestion starts from our mouth. 

→The mouth cavity contains teeth, tongue and salivary glands. The teeth help in physical digestion. Salivary glands produce saliva and the tongue help to mix food. 

→Salivary glands help in the chemical digestion of secreting enzymes. 

→Human saliva contains an enzyme called salivary amylase which helps to convert starch into sugar. 

When the slightly digested food enters the food pipe the walls of the food pipe starts contraction and expansion movement this moment is also known as an attic movement. 

The stomach is a j shaped organ present on the left side of the abdomen. 

→The stomach wall contains three tubular glands. The gland present in the Wall of the stomach secretes gastric juices. Gastric juices contain three substance hydrochloric acid, the enzyme pepsin and mucus. 

HCL→ hydrochloric acid helps to kill the bacteria present in the food and also help to provide an acidic medium for pepsin. 

Pepsin→ is a protein enzyme that helps to digest protein. 

Mucus→ helps to protect the wall of the stomach from HCL. 

→From the stomach, the partially digested food enters the intestine is the largest part of the alimentary canal. It is about 6.5 metres long in an adult man. 

→The small intestine in human beings is the site of the complete digestion of food. 

The small intestine receives the secretion of two glands:-

Liver and pancreas 

The small intestine is the main reason for the absorption of digested food. The small intestine contains many small fingers like projections called Villi these help to increase the surface area and absorb food. 

Now the undigested food goes to the large intestine. The large intestine is wider but is small in length.

The large intestine is a site of complete absorption of water. Now the undigested food is removed from the body and the process of digestion is completed.

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