sustainability of development is new area of knowledge. do you agree. justify your answer
sustainability of development is a new area of knowledge. do you agree? justify your answer. CBSE 2015
Sustainability is newly introduced will you agree. Cbse17, 13
No, we do not agree with the statement because sustainable development is not a new area of knowledge. This had been the primary concern of leaders, philosophers, and thinkers in the past. Gandhi Ji was also very apt in voicing his concern about resource conservation.
However, the term sustainable development is recently originated by the Brundtland Commission report, 1987 for this purpose.
Another answer
You can also agree with this statement because:-
Sustainability of development is comparatively a new area of knowledge in which scientists, economists, philosophers, and other social scientists work together.
In general, the question of development or progress is perennial.
As a member of society and as an individual we need to ask where we want to go, what we wish to become, and what our goals are. So the debate on development continues.
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